Napoleoński Inn (formerly – Austeria) located by Płowiecka Street 83 in Wawer South Prague, was built in 1823. in place of an earlier, wooden inn. The Inn has witnessed historic events of 1656, 1794, 1831, 1939, 1944.
The first mentioning about the inn is from the seventeenth century and relates to its purchase in 1727 by Elizabeth from Lubomirskis Sieniawska, the widow of the Grand Crown Hetman. The first appearance of the inn was a typical wooden building where travelers stopped to rest and sleep. Over the years the inn stayed at this causing travelers able to settle around the artisans, vendors and factors.
Since the inn was located on the main course to the city, it caused serious problems in the form of postal armed states, military skirmishes, looting and fires.